Izobrulo is an internationally recognized Public Light Art studio, renowned for its exceptional quality and leadership in the light art industry. We pride ourselves on being trendsetters rather than followers, constantly striving to surpass our audience's expectations by crafting unique and unforgettable experiences.
Our team specializes in a diverse range of events, from large-scale city venues spanning multiple countries, including the United States, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, Italy, and Croatia, to intimate private gatherings.

We excel in seamlessly blending art and entertainment, giving rise to what we term "Artainment." Positioned not quite within the realm of serious art yet too artistic to be merely classified as entertainment.
In addition to utilizing sensors for tracking people's activities, we are committed to creating opportunities for interaction without the need for additional devices, using only the human body as it is. Our aim is to capture intangible human interactions such as hugs, human senses, diversity, people's choices, and playfulness. With each installation, we strive to transform these human interactions into tangible works of art.
What distinguishes our art is the incorporation of hugs as a fundamental element, resulting in an experience unparalleled worldwide. This enchanting quality, where technology seamlessly merges with wonder, evokes 
Arthur C. Clarke's famous Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Izobrulo Polylight Heart Hug, San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering, San-Diego, CA, USA

Izobrulo Polylight Heart Hug, Zauberwald Lenzerheide, Lenzerheide, Switzerland
Izobrulo Polylight Heart Hug, Art With Me Miami @ Art Basel, Miami, FL, USA
Izobrulo Polylight Heart Hug, Visualia Festival 2023, Pula, Croatia
Izobrulo Polylight Heart Hug, Murten Licht Festival, Murten Morat, Switzerland

Izobrulo Polylight ChamäleTuna, Lilu Licht Festival Luzern, Stadt Luzern, Switzerland

Izobrulo Polylight Interactive Logo, Goethe Institute/Tretyakov State Gallery
Izobrulo Polylight Wolf, Dinamo Hockey Sports Club

Izobrulo Polylight ChamäleTuna, Geneva Lux 2020, Ville de Geneve, Switzerland

Izobrulo Polylight Digital Tintamarresque, Scottsdale Public Art/Canal Convergence 2019, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Izobrulo Polylight Heart Hug, Scottsdale Public Art/Canal Convergence 2019, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Izobrulo Polylight Heart Hug, City of Lodz/Lux Pro Monumentis non-profit/Light Move Festival, Lodz, Poland
Izobrulo Polylight Lion, Comune di Novi Ligure/Novi Light Sensation, Novi-Ligure, Italy

Izobrulo Polylight Heart Hug, Luminartz non-profit/Boston Illuminus, Boston, MA, USA
Izobrulo Polylight Tuna fish, Eskilstuna kommun/Nattljus, Eskilstuna, Sweden
A crucial aspect of our art is its ability to unite people. Unlike some modern politicians who specialize in dividing humans, our creations foster a sense of togetherness and shared experiences. Through interactive participation, individuals discover common ground and shared emotions, promoting harmony and understanding.

Interactivity plays a significant role in the imaginative and uplifting nature of our works. By engaging with the installations, people delve into a multidimensional experience that sparks creativity and offers new perspectives. The layers of meaning interwoven within the art encourage individuals to contemplate, leading to the formation of novel and imaginative connections.

We specialize in crafting light sculptures that serve as captivating focal points within cityscapes, architecture, streets, and buildings. While natural locations are also considered, we primarily prefer to integrate our works into various city objects and infrastructure. This could range from ancient towers or castles to modern buildings or bridges, even light posts. Though highly complex, our previous experiences serve as strong evidence of our skills and capabilities to execute such bold ideas. Our art's connection with architecture goes beyond mere aesthetics, integrating additional functionality typical of architectural design.

In conclusion, the innovation and contemporary nature of our works are evident through their immediate and captivating impact on audiences. By combining technology with the enchantment of hugs and interactivity, we create a realm of endless possibilities, inviting people to explore new dimensions of thought and connection. Moreover, our art serves as a powerful reminder of the unifying potential of shared experiences, contrasting with the divisive tendencies seen in some aspects of contemporary society.
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